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Unmanned Advantage Services

FAA Certified Part 107 Commercial Rating

Develop Overarching Concept of Operations for agencies to establish clear cut guidelines in how to execute UAS operations and to test & evaluate Counter UAS systems prior to final purchase.

Unmanned Advantage Services is a veteran-owned and operated full drone service Nevada LLC. Personnel are former and retired military with over 50 years of combined experience and understanding of Department of Defense, Homeland Security, and Counter-UAS detection test & evaluation. We provide state of the art training, equipment, and flights to meet the needs of our clients. Additionally, we support Train Our Troops to assist Veterans establish a drone business and offer specialized training based on what direction the Veterans want to pursue, whether Infrared, mapping or real estate. We are extremely fortunate to be able to offer training which is provided by a member of the Las Vegas Police Department UAS operations.

Unmanned Advantage Services is directed by two Air Force retired officers: Lt Col Scott W. Stevens, an Air Weapons Controller which is very similar to an Air Traffic Controller. Major Darryl Johnson is a former Flight Test Engineer and has over 10 years in the C-UAS testing environment. Our team is considered the most highly qualified subject matter experts in planning, management, and execution of aviation operations.

The core team of Unmanned Advantage Services are former members of the Joint Unmanned Aircraft Center of Excellence (JUAS COE), charged with developing UAS technologies, concepts, and missions for the DOD. They have served on the DOD Joint Counter Low, Slow, Small UAS Joint Test and have led the way for developing C-UAS Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for three Combatant Commanders including PACOM, CENTCOM, and USNORTHCOM.

We have the expertise to offer specialized CONOPS development and C-UAS operational planning during the planning phase of these operations.

Unmanned Advantage Services Counter UAS Test with Las Vegas Metro and Allegiant Stadium

Our Team

Scott W. Stevens

Scott W. Stevens, Lt Col, (USAF, Ret) is a Part 107 FAA licensed Drone Pilot and has been involved in all aspects of the development and employment of the Unmanned Aircraft Program within the Department of Defense starting in 1997.

He was the very first PM at HQ USNORTHCOM for UAS and was one of five team members who wrote the initial sUAS CONOPS signed by the Vice Chairman of the JCS. He was also involved with development of Counter UAS procedures with the National Airspace System.

Scott Stevens became involved in UAS operations back in 1997. The first UAS mission conducted by the Department of Defense was in support of Law Enforcement with a mobile radar deployed for continuous radar coverage in support of a drone unit operating along the southern border. Future drone operations expanded to both the Northern and Southern borders.

Based on his knowledge of domestic drone integration, he was picked to participate in a three-year test and evaluation at Nellis AFB to establish Counter UAS operations.

Darryl Johnson

Darryl Johnson has 34 years of expertise as a Program Manager, Test Manager, Test Director, Flight Test Engineer, Aircrew Member, and Operations Research. He is a recognized subject matter expert in Counter-UAS operations with over 10 years of C-UAS experience at various levels within the Department of Defense testing environment. He served as the Joint Counter Low, Slow, Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (JCLU) Joint Test Concept Developer and Task Lead which was an 0-6 equivalent position and was responsible for developing the DOD first-ever Joint Tactics Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) to defeat adversary unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), and was Deputy Chief of C-UAS at the JCS level Center of Excellence.

Darryl led the development of DOD’s first Joint Counter-UAS Concept of Operations (C-UAS CONOPS) and led the test and evaluation research systems analysts at the JUAS COE. His expertise resulted in an invitation to be a guest speaker at the 2016 National Academy of Sciences Counter-UAS Workshop.

He was recognized by both the International Test & Evaluation Association (2019 Presidential Award Winner) and the Association of Old Crows (1994, 1995, and 1997) and currently serves as the president, Southern NV Chapter, International Test and Evaluation Association (ITEA).



The members of our CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS (CONOPS) team wrote and published the very first CONOPS for Drone Operations within the Department of Defense. This document was approved and signed by the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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