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Multiple Applications

With rapid growth and expansion of cities, Law Enforcement, First Responders, industrial and utility services have an increased responsibility to develop UAS and Counter-UAS CONOPS plan to be prepared to meet any potential UAS threat. UAS components encompass; aircraft, payload, communications, control, support, and the human aspect.

UAS offer a more comprehensive, detailed, and wider view for all applications. Unlike traditional means of gathering and monitoring data, unmanned aircrafts, otherwise known as drones, deliver a more comprehensive, detailed, and wider view for all applications. UAS also offers faster data collection and faster processing times. These benefits translate into cost savings and more relevant real time data.

The capabilities of UAS allow a closer view of the subject matter, showing damage, problem areas, heat signatures, and possible threats in real time. Drone missions offer a detailed overview of the subject matter, capturing what ground level cannot. Multiple eyes can view the data, rather than a single person located on ground level. Additionally, they can augment helicopter support while the aircraft has to RTB due to refuel and extend on station time and situational awareness.


Law Enforcement and First Responders Applications

Investigation, monitoring, imagery, assessments, analysis, response, and support.

  • Active Fire Support
  • Fire Investigation
  • Building Evacuation
  • Search and Rescue
  • Traffic Control and Monitoring
  • Accident Investigation
  • Surveillance (Major Events)
  • Event Monitoring (Imagery, Assessment, Analysis)
  • Tactical Response
  • Incident Response
soldiers using drones

Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Applications

Concept and program development. Test and evaluation of advanced concepts and systems. Training and operations development and deployment.

  • Counter UAS Operations (C-UAS CONOPS)
  • UAS Operations (UAS CONOPS)
  • Part 107 Commercial UAS Training
aerial view of solar field

Industrial Applications

Inspections, surveys, and training. Training and operations development and deployment.

  • GIS Surveying
  • Pipeline Inspection
  • Facility Inspection
  • Solar Field Inspection
  • Utility Inspections
  • Transmission Lines
  • Mapping and LIDAR

The members of our CONOPS team wrote and published the very first Joint Concept of Operations for Unmanned Aircraft Systems the Department of Defense which was signed by the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

collection of logos

Unmatched CONOPS Experience

Unmanned Advantage Services has provided UAS Conops and Counter UAS (C-UAS) development for multiple government agencies including but not limited to the DOD, DOH, US Air Force and JCS.

Our core team consists of former members of the Joint Unmanned Aircraft Center of Excellence (JUAS COE), charged with developing UAS technologies, concepts, and missions for the DOD. The team also served on the DOD Joint Counter Low, Slow, Small UAS Joint Test, which led the way for developing C-UAS TTPs for PACOM, CENTCOM, and USNORTHCOM.


Concept of Operations

UAS CONOPS Development
The CONOPS team wrote the initial JCS level publication for the warfighter to learn how to integrate Group 1-5 into the theater of operations, based on size, weight and speed

Counter-UAS CONOPS Development
The C-UAS team is experts in the C-UAS arena. Each individual was hand-picked to participate in a three-year study at the Joint Chiefs of Staff level, conducted at Nellis AFB.

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Get in Touch

Unmanned Advantage Services is a Veteran owned with over 50 years of knowledge, experience, and public service with the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, Counter-UAS Operations, and other government entities. If you would like additional information on our services, please fill out the contact form.

Learn More About Our Services Today