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A Bird’s Eye View

Unmanned Advantage Services provides unmatched high-resolution imagery while conducting residential and commercial property marking, mapping, and inspection missions.

Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), commonly known as drones, deliver clearer, more detailed data, faster data collection, and faster processing times. These benefits translate into cost savings and more relevant real-time data for our clients.

Drone capabilities enable the client to achieve closer imaging of the subject matter. This can show the beauty and a bird’s eye view of the subject matter for marketing purposes or reveal damage and problem areas in real-time for inspections. Drone missions offer a detailed overview of the subject matter, augmenting the “on the ground” picture.

Video Projects


Civilian Applications

Inspections, aerials, surveys, and marketing.

  • Real Estate Marketing
  • Event Marketing and Surveillance
  • Pre, Mid and Post Construction Aerials
  • Golf Course Aerials
  • Agriculture/Landscape Aerials
  • Mapping and LIDAR
  • Residential Inspections
  • Commercial Inspections
  • Mapping and LIDAR

The members of our CONOPS team wrote and published the very first Joint Concept of Operations for Unmanned Aircraft Systems the Department of Defense which was signed by the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

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Get in Touch

Unmanned Advantage Services is a Veteran owned with over 50 years of knowledge, experience, and public service with the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, Counter-UAS Operations, and other government entities. If you would like additional information on our services, please fill out the contact form.

Learn More About Our Services Today