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Unmatched Experience

The core team of Unmanned Advantage Services are former members of the Joint Unmanned Aircraft Center of Excellence (JUAS COE), charged with developing UAS technologies, concepts, and missions for the DOD. They have served on the DOD Joint Counter Low, Slow, Small UAS Joint Test and have led the way for developing C-UAS TTPs for PACOM, CENTCOM, and USNORTHCOM.

Our team has the expertise to develop a comprehensive T&E allowing C-UAS sensors to be tested with various target A/C and profiles.

Concept and program development. Test and evaluation of advanced concepts and systems. Training and operations development and deployment.

  • UAS Concept Development
  • UAS CONOPS Development
  • C-UAS Operations
  • T&E of Advanced Concepts and Systems

The UAS Division of Unmanned Advantage Services is directed by a retired Air Force Lt. Col. and Major with senior-level experience in air operations and test engineering. Our team is considered the most highly qualified subject matter experts in the planning, management, and execution of aviation operations in the most challenging of situations. Veteran owned and operated, we leverage our vast experience to assist you.

Unmanned Advantage Services CONOPS Team:

  • Developed the first Joint UAS CONOPS
  • Developed the DOD UAS Training Standards
  • Developed the first UAS integration into the National Airspace CONOPS
  • Developed 20+ UAS Concepts – many implemented by US Combatant Commands
  • Developed the training standards for US Air Force Small UAS Program
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Unmanned Advantage Services C-UAS Team:

  • Provides 10+ years-experience in C-UAS operations support
  • Developed the CONOPS to detect, track, ID, and identify Command and Control networks to neutralize C-UAS threats
  • Developed the three C-UAS systems currently in use
  • Developed the DOD first Joint C-UAS CONOPS
  • Developed the C-UAS CONOPS for OCONUS and Homeland Defense/Security Scenarios
  • Developed the C-UAS T&E Evaluation Methodology
  • Evaluated C-UAS technologies
  • Developed the concepts for installation force protection and security
  • Provided direct support to DOD, DHS, and other government agencies

The members of our CONOPS team wrote and published the very first Joint Concept of Operations for Unmanned Aircraft Systems the Department of Defense which was signed by the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

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Get in Touch

Unmanned Advantage Services is a Veteran owned with over 50 years of knowledge, experience, and public service with the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, Counter-UAS Operations, and other government entities. If you would like additional information on our services, please fill out the contact form.

Learn More About Our Services Today